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  • When you have a tight muscle, you have a weak muscle. The tissue can’t get stronger until you loosen the fibers. And it’s also easier to injure. An Easy Fix […]

    Targeting Tight Spots

    When you have a tight muscle, you have a weak muscle. The tissue can’t get stronger until you loosen the fibers. And it’s also easier to injure. An Easy Fix […]

  • Marianne Kane shares one of her incredible two-tier workouts in this video. Once you see this hard-body you’ll be a believer… she knows what she’s doing.

    Two Tier Kettlebell Workout

    Marianne Kane shares one of her incredible two-tier workouts in this video. Once you see this hard-body you’ll be a believer… she knows what she’s doing.

  • Let’s put the confusion to rest. If you’re going to be healthy and fit you’re going to need to eat more protein… PERIOD! Get Stronger – Recover Faster You need […]

    Health Benefits Of Protein

    Let’s put the confusion to rest. If you’re going to be healthy and fit you’re going to need to eat more protein… PERIOD! Get Stronger – Recover Faster You need […]

  • Why do you resist resistance training? Sometimes you resist other things but this isn’t the place to talk about that. Is it because you’re afraid you’ll get too big? Too […]

    Women, Stop Resisting Resistance

    Why do you resist resistance training? Sometimes you resist other things but this isn’t the place to talk about that. Is it because you’re afraid you’ll get too big? Too […]

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